0191 250 8725 jobs@unitedrecruit.co.uk

What We Do…

At United Recruitment System, we provide a 360 degree service to both clients and candidates alike. Providing much more than ‘administrative support’ we do not simply move paperwork around, we aim to add value at every stage of the process through negotiation and consultation.

When it comes to recruitment, we always like to visit each business so we can better get to know, appreciate and understand your company’s culture.

We take the time to understand the role you are trying to fill, not simply draft a quick job description with a couple of tick boxes regarding experience and qualifications.

Our goal is to provide you with a capable individual that not only meets the needs of the role, but also fits within the goals and aspirations of your organisation, someone who shares the same work ethic and fits effectively into your team.

Read more about what we do for our clients.

When it comes to selecting potential candidates, we don’t simply match their CV against a checklist, we get to know them and help them achieve their goals, aspirations and meet their benefit expectations.

Our consultants take the time to find out what really makes them tick, so we can put them forward for roles in which they will truly thrive.

Of course the thing about applying for a new job is that you need to make yourself stand out, you need to sell yourself, and as we are not all born salespeople,  we work with our candidates in a number of ways to improve their confidence and their ability to emphasise where their skill set meets and matches specific criteria.

Read more about what we do for our candidates.

When there is a need for providing temporary staff, we will work with you to create a detailed profile for each role.

This profile is then used to select the personnel most suited to your needs, and provide appropriately skilled staff to best match the job criteria and provide the cover you need.

Smoothing out any bumps in capacity, we take care of all of the hard work; interviewing potential staff, completing all the relevant checks and gathering reference information.

We also explore and provide our temporary staff with a range of training opportunities to ensure they are the best they can be, ensuring you get the most appropriately qualified individuals.

What We Don’t Do…

We do not employ slick salesmen who make unrealistic promises – to earn commission – and close a deal they cannot deliver on.

We do not post fake positions to fish for resumes which we can use later.

Even though we want our candidates to shine at interview, we will not make them look like something that they are not!

Likewise we do not post ambiguous job descriptions – as this is a waste of everyone’s time.

We do not take your money and run, as our sole purpose is to develop sustainable long term business relationships and provide recruitment solutions for both local organisations and our candidates alike.

Our Guarantees

As a local, independent recruitment business, our focus is to offer a bespoke service to both our clients and our candidates alike. We can afford to be flexible with our fees as we do not answer to a corporate head office, and we do not have increasingly demanding targets to meet that could compromise or be detrimental to the services we provide.

We are genuine, industrious and helpful individuals looking to offer a fair, value for money service to benefit local businesses and the local community.

United Recruitment System

t: 0191 250 8725

e: jobs@unitedrecruit.co.uk

46 High Street East,
Wallsend, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE28 8PQ

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